Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dog Catchers and Detectives

Today when I was driving Z to voice lesson we saw a medium sized white dog (with silky curly poodle type hair) running out in the middle of a busy street.

I turned the car around and followed it and parked the car and called for it. I got it to come to me and I saw it had no tag on it's collar. I wasn't sure what to do. We were already quite late for Z's lesson from chasing after the dog.

So I called my husband and asked what I should do. He said it probably knows its own way back home.

So we left it and went to Voice. But Z was crying all the way. She worried that it would get hit by a car, or that maybe it was lost, or abandonded. We both felt really bad.

So after class we drove back the same way and looked for the dog. But we couldn't find it. Z cried some more. :(

When we got home Z went online and googled LA animals shelters and then looked for the dog online. I didn't think it would be online yet. I called around at local shelters but I could only leave messages. So we don't know what happened to that poor dog.

For lunch I told Z she could watch t.v.. She could have watched Looney Tunes or Smurfs or some other cartoon. But she said she really wanted to watch Agatha Christies Poirot. Then she laughed at Hastings bad ideas and Poirots silly mannerisms and tried to figure out "who done it" :)


sarah said...

I agree with your husband, the dog surely knew its way home. We had a dog who would often go roaming, no matter how we contrived to keep it home - it was a regular Houdini - and it always found its way back again.

Cher Mere said...

I hope so. The poor dog was all dirty. :(

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Poor Z. I hope she felt better this evening.

That was a difficult situation. As a parent we teach our children to care for animals and return what is lost to their owners but in reality ,pressed for time, and unsure of shots there probably wasn't a clear alternative at that time.