Friday, March 16, 2007


Boy, I am glad the weekend is here.

We don't really have any plans per se and that is the best part. We might go bike riding on our new bikes. Or maybe we will go down to the beach.

Z votes for staying home and watching cartoons. *grin* She always is such a homebody. The only plans we have are to play Equate, which is like Scrabble but with math.

Z also has a new favorite TV show, the animated show The Tick and my graphic novel of it is her new favorite book.

The book gave her the idea to make her bedroom her Super-Hero Hideout. She drew a picture of a computer screen and taped bubble wrap to the bottom to be a keyboard. She drew a place to type in her keyboard her "Full name" and "Password" and then she drew her "Symbol' and taped that up. Then she said she needed a "rocket" so I told her to use a cardboard box (those come in handy in so many ways) so she taped a blown up red balloon to the back to be fire and drew on it and decorated it and made herself a rocket.

hee hee

She is so cute. I love that it is The Tick that is inspiring all thing because it is a hilarious show. :) For those of you who know the Tick I am going to end this post with "Spoooooon!"

p.s. Tonight she hit another milestone. She asked me to turn the hall light off and shut her door most of the way so it was more dark. I know I was way older before I would sleep in the dark.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Very Cute...

Anonymous said...

OMG -- LOVE the Tick! We got the non-animated eps on DVD, but we absolutely loved the cartoon when it was on. I will have to find those for V.!