Friday, March 30, 2007

Favorite thing Z said today

"Mommy, I just want to lie on the couch under the blanket and snuggle and talk"

*warm smile*

I mentioned to some other friends today that I am really shocked by how well EPGY is going for Z.

She started 3rd grade 2 months ago (when she just turned six). She has almost finished it and it has been very easy for her. She is consistently scoring 98% - 100%. I was wondering how long 4th grade might take for her. Twice as long? Three times? Even so it could be that she starts 5th grade when she is only six and that idea shocked me.

I know that Z scored highest on the non-verbal/ visual spatial portion of her I.Q. test but I guess the implications of that hadn't really sunk in until last night.


I had another somewhat surprising moment yesterday when I was looking Z's acting resume. Under "Special Skills" besides "speaks Japanese (beginner)", "swimming" and "recites Shakespeare" it also said "Reads at 5th grade level.

That part of the resume was made last summer when she was reading at a higher level but I wanted to be somewhat modest and I figured 5th grade was good enough and that was the level of her favorite book. Well, if I had to write that resume now I think I would say "Reads at an adult level".

I guess there really isn't much of a difference between 5th grade and adult level - most "adult level" books seem more like 8th grade level to me. Also Z is used to reading old books written 60 - 70 years ago and the language used in children's books then was much more complex than I see in many "adult" type fiction books these days. (Isn't that weird?" )

Reading is easy though. The only things that hold Z back from reading anything is life experience. She wouldn't read most adult level books because she wouldn't find the material personally meaningful.


Still she is just a little girl and very normal in many ways. A friend wrote me this after taking Z out to lunch yesterday:
(the questions are from conversation starter cards set at the table)

Question, what is one thing that you really want to learn how to do?
Z said, Fly
I said, oh yeah, you want to be an astronaut when you grow up.
She said, no, I mean that I want to fly with my arms.

Question, if you could donate $100,000 to any charity, what would it be?
Z said she would plant trees to give the fairies a place to live.

Question, who is you favorite female athlete?
Z said her imaginary friend.

Question, what is the most beautiful animal?
Z said a pegasus, because they have a white glow around them and they can wear jewelry.

And of course, what will you be like in ten years and where will you be?
Z said that she would be a fairy princess and live in a castle.

*hee hee*


Anonymous said...

I love her wonderful answers :-) And I've said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating, Wow Z! She is doing so well with her learning, and the best part of it seems to be how much she is enjoying it.

Cher Mere said...

I dunno. I feel like it isn't that amazing compared to some (like everyone at another place).

But for us it is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

It seems that you are managing her learning very well. She is lucky to have you and you her. What a sweetie.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Those are neat questions. I didn't ask Ami. But a few months ago she told me she wanted to fly so I asked if she wanted to be a pilot like her friend's mom because she loves plane travel. I was surprised when she answered that she just wished to fly with the birds. I thought it was sweet. Children think so differently than adults.