Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fear not young lady!

"For I am Super Cell!"

Tonight, right at bedtime, Z came to me said "I have an idea for a story about a Super Cell and his adventures inside the human body. It goes like this..."

Then she preceded to dictate a four page story about Super Cell and his Sidekick Robin and their battle with Ekla and his band of Germs for the brain of the girl Lavender.

It is too long to post here but here is an excerpt:

But then Ekla threw the brain high into the air.

But Lavender’s mother, who had some gloves on, grabbed it. Then she looked at it and screamed. “This is Lavender’s brain! No wonder she fainted! Uck, I wish I had someone to put it back in.”

Right them in a booming voice Super Cell said, “Fear not young lady! For I am Super Cell! And I shall return it to its rightful place!”

and another funny party

And Super Cell said “Grlbbgrwlbggrbblw”

But then Robin, who is talented in gymnastics, did a super flip and landed right into the stomach. Acids were pouring on him like rain! All colors, pink, blue and yellow. But without taking any notice at all he said, “Super Cell, wait up!”

Then he saw the brain floating (he was also a very good swimmer) and then with a great rush he swam as fast as he could with his eyes closed and his hands out until he felt the brain. Then he swam up. Although it took him three minutes (the stomach is pretty deep) it seemed like forever. And then he saw a breathless body floating down. He said “On no, not again!”


Anonymous said...

That is phenomenal! I am completely, deeply impressed.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I think that your daughter's story is so hysterical!!! It is so funny that your daughter`s story is about the human body. Ami

Anonymous said...

It actually has a sort-of Anime flair to it as well! LOL I could actually "imagine" the "body floating down", as in 'Castle in the Sky'...