Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So many opportunities

So someone in our homeschool group is starting a Rockestra (Rock band/ Orchestra) for homeschoolers and I was thinking of letting Z audition for singing (chorus or back-up singer.)

There is also an engineering class coming up using LEGO's.

Then there are book clubs and history club and science classes and chess class and Shakespeare and a homeschool friendly dance studio and more.

It all sounds good. :) But I really want to keep Z's free time.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Rockestra sound so cute for Z!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sistah! I am all about trying to preserve Grace's free play time in the face of so many "clubs" and "classes". Both free play and classes have their place, but I feell the classes etc can be quite grueling, particularly if one has to drive any more than 30 min to get there! ( read: most of the classes we go to...)