Thursday, February 15, 2007

EPGY, How do I love thee

let me count the ways 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,4,8

Z is really exceeding my expectations with the program. Today it was teaching her how to find the perimeter and the area of a shape. With perimeter she was adding the four sides and to find the area she was multiplying two numbers. But on one of the perimeter problems the shape was very complicated and the number were the ones I wrote above and she said "so eight times three..."

I was really proud of her for using multiplication to make the problem easier. This was one of the first times I have seen her do that except with Fives or Tens or Hundreds.

It was SOOOO hard for me to learn my times tables. I was still struggling with it in fifth grade! (I do have them down now though *wink*) So I was so impressed that she beginning to use multiplication on her own and she only just turned six!


She also had a very good day at her two classes.

In Japanese she and she teacher did a voice over exercise for the movie Totoro. Z memorized many (10+) lines in Japanese very quickly. Her teacher was like "wow!"

Voice is moving along very fast. Today her teacher mentioned a recital.

On her first class with this teacher Z was given three songs to learn for the next week - Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty, and When you Wish Upon and Star and Give A Little Whistle from Pinocchio.

The second week she was given a 3 page song - Cruella De Vil

The third week she was given another three pages song - Honey Bun from South Pacific

Today she was given two more new songs. So in four weeks she will have built up a repretoire of seven songs. Z and I really love all these songs and often end up singing them together around the house or in the car. :)


Tuesday was Z's turn to teach her at her science class.

She was SO excited. The day before she made up many songs about how excited she was and about how it was going to be the best day of her life. (So yeah she wasn't really missing the whole acting thing)

She brought her rock collection (which she has almost doubled during her birthday) and taught the kids about rocks and minerals. She also taught the kids how to identify different stones and about "luster", "cleavage", "tenacity" and other terms. She also told them interesting historical facts about the pieces in her collection - like Greeks thought that amethysts would protect against drunkedness.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I was going to post about the rocks Ami's dad brought her home today. One of them was amethyst and it came with the the story of preventing drunkedness.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I was going to post about the rocks Ami's dad brought her home today. One of them was amethyst and it came with the the story of preventing drunkedness.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Well I hit that somehow before I wrote it sounds like Z did a great job teaching the class.

Anonymous said...

Very cool:) I wish Our Girl could visit your science class;)

Cher Mere said...

Does Ai have a rock collection?

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Yes she has a rock collection and shells but it is not organized like Z's. Some of them are mixed with her fairy stuff. Just the other day she had out her dinosaur fossil ( I think it was a piece of the leg bone. She has the slip of paper somewhere.)

Jaime said...

So glad that Z is enjoying her time away from acting. Sounds like she is making good use of it! Wish K could have participated in Z's class :-) I'd love to hear more details about Z's Japanese class sometime, too. And, yes, it would be great fun to send them to Concordia together someday!