Monday, February 05, 2007


Z started EPGYmath on the 1st. She liked it so much she did four exercises on the first day. She liked it so much that this Saturday she choose doing EPGY math over watching cartoons. She likes it so much that she asked to do it first thing this morning.

They started her on Kindergarten work but now she is doing third grade stuff and going through it pretty quickly. I am wondering if she will stay at third grade for a whole year or progress more quickly.Personally I love it. I feel like it is a more intense math education that she was getting from other workbooks.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That is so cool that she likes it!

Cher Mere said...

So far so good.

Jaime said...

That is great! K loves it too. I kept her in the K-2 class last fall, because of the introduction to sets, but now that she is in the 3-4 class I see that it was not so necessary.

You used Singapore before, right? How do they compare? When K finished EPGY 3/4, I'm thinking we might take a little break and do Singapore.