Wednesday, February 07, 2007

a shiny sink

You know what makes me happy? A shiny sink. Clean white counter tops. Vaccum lines on the carpet. An empty laundry hamper.

When did I turn into a "housewife?" I am not quite sure. Perhaps it was moving in with Pere, or having a baby or maybe it was FlyLady. *grin*

Or maybe it began earlier. Perhaps it was the inevitable outcome of my childhood facination with notebooks with matching pencils and color coded homework plans. And a junior high school girl who fantasized about owning matching bras and panties for each day of the week might naturally grow into a woman who is tickled pink by a shiny sink.

I admit that I don't like things messy. There has been a lot of "messy" in my life, maybe too much. Right now there are a lot of things that are out of my control - like where Pere is going to work and where we are going to live and if our cars are going to run and if my daughter is going to get another job and what am I doing with my own life...

Cleaning gives an immediate satisfaction. I can make it "just so" and there it is. And yes that kitchen counter will get bread crumbs on it again first thing tomorrow morning, but right now it is clean and white. It is in the state it is meant to be in and I made it that way. That is a good feeling.

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