Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I feel as a mother my job is to raise Z to be a good person and after that to support her to be who she is meant to be.

But who is she meant to be??

I just wish I knew what to do to support her. I am not a big fan of the whole acting thing and if it petered out I would be okay with that. My own little wish for her would be for her to have a career in science or (a field I was interested in) criminal justice.

But what if performing is her thing? What if her life is going to be this life that really scares the heck out of me? I guess I would need to find a way to be positive about it and make it work for me.

I do have these misgivings though and yet I don't really trust my gut because it has been wrong before.

At this point I am trying to keep her well-rounded and give her a lot of opportunities to discover different interests. She is being problematic with that because she is liking pretty much everything. ;S

She has had this list of things she wants to be (mommy, doctor, astronaut, actor, singer, and princess) and right now it looks like she can be one of them. But I don't want that one thing to take over her life so much that the other things or any other things become less of a possibility, KWIM?

I probably shouldn't be worrying about this for a six year old.


Jaime said...

I think you are doing JUST the right things :-) Because you homeschool, you can focus on performing a lot, and still keep Z well-rounded. If she went to school all day, that would be a lot harder to achieve. I think you are doing an awesome job supporting her!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I have been conflicted for awhile but now feel some peace. (Oh, I know I will get worked up about something else but at least this is over.)

I think it will take some time to figure this all out with Z. With all the new activity on the acting your routines have changed and that might be contributing to these feelings. I think you are doing a great job supporting her! Remember to take some time for you too.

Cher Mere said...

Thank you J. It is nice to hear you think that.

Mamita - Time will probably help. Patience isn't one of my strongest virtues though. :)

Sarah, that is part of how I feel. Not that I disdain the profession of acting but that I worry that the allure of it will take her away from other thigns she loves.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting...In the end it *will* be Z's choice what she does. That doesn't help you figure it out now. Think of it this way though:
If she's meant to be an actress, she will be an actress and there isn't a thing you can do about it. You can "help" her when she's a child, like you are doing now, but eventually it will all fall under her own ambition. She will be her own person and do what she wants. If that "thing" is acting, then so be it. At least , as j says, you homeschooled her and kept her grounded. If she decides acting isn't for her, then no harm, no foul. :)
It is a big, long life, and Z's only 6. She has plenty of room for changing her mind, and so do you! It isn't as urgent that you help her decide this young. Keep her in a variety of stuff and mentally active, and I'll bet you'll find a great person hanging around on the other end! HUG

Anonymous said...

I cannot offer advice but I wanted you to know that I have read your words and understand your conflict. I'm not sure I would want my child fawned over and favored because of something as articial as the "media" but it seems that your values will override the messages she gets from the industry.

I hate feeling like everything is out of control even for a few days. It's hard. Take care & keep cleaning.

I imagine Citcat as a chemist in a white lab coat when she grows up but I am sure my rat loving, witch wanna be will be in a punk rock band.