Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Life

Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying being back to our normal life?

We went to a friend's out this morning and did some crafts and had lunch and just hung out.

In the afternoon I brought Z and her little girl friend back to our house and the girl's played for a couple hours while I did some research on my new book.

After the little girl left I put my apron on, and some music (Paul Simon) and peeled some potatoes and cut up some leeks to make tonight's soup.

Z is in her room having a tea party and singing to herself. It was a very very nice day. And now my Pere is home so I must go.

I am hoping all my friends and family had a nice day too, or one soon.


Jaime said...

Yay :-) I hope to have one of those days REALLY soon!

Anonymous said...

"You have a life?" :)

Thanks for the peek into your life at home.