Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Language Arts

Recently I have picked up some really good workbooks at the book store. Normally we don't do workbooks but I went through literally 50+ books to find these specific ones that I knew would appeal to Z, focus on the specific areas that Z needs this kind of writtten work, and meet my high standards for resources.

I was surprised after I had already bought the books to notice that they are for grades 4th - 5th, 5th and up, and 4th - 6th, respectively. I am not sure about the spelling book but I think it is probably 3rd grade. I am surprised that Z is at this level for language arts. I didn't pick stuff that was hard, just things that covered areas I think she might be missing even with all the reading we do.


I like this writing book because it goes through the editing process. That is what Z needs at the moment. Also the assignments get harder and harder.

Parts of Speech

This book is full of games that teach. It is pretty advanced, it teaches about main, and auxiliary verbs, prepositions, subjects and predicates, direct and indirect objects and more, all through games. Z loves Mad Libs and I thnk she will love this book and along the way learn about parts of speech.


I like this book for the same reason as the one above.
In her lesson today Z had to choose her four favorite words, define them and use them in a sentence. She chose Barbarian, Squeegee, Lunatic and Blabbler. LOL Z certainly has a sense of humor.


This book isn't a game but it teaching spelling the VCV, VCC, VCe, etc way by sorting words. We don't use it much but I have to teach Z the rules so she isn't just spelling intuitively.

These are just the workbooks we are using. We do a lot more that is just informal and come from reading and discussing and normal life.