Saturday, February 10, 2007


Yesterday Z and I were hanging about in a Japanese part of town and we stopped at a crepe place for a snack. It was just a little stall with tables and chairs outside. The maker of the crepes was this cool Japanese guy from Tokyo (with leather pants!) It was cold and he brought us out red blankets for our laps. Isn't that nice?

Z was talking to him Japanese. She introduced herself and told him how much she liked the crepes and said Thank You all in Japanese. He was tickled by it. :)

Z's Japanese lessons are going very well. She still needs more practice on her hiragana. She can read it but can't always write it so that has been her homework recently.

She still wants to learn more languages. She says she wants to learn Spanish, French, Hebrew, Latin, and Chinese. *Oh Boy!* Well at least she dropped Russian off the list.

1 comment:

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

This is such a cute story.