Saturday, February 03, 2007

I found an awesome science book

For 5 cents at the library I bought this work book It is called Following Direction - Using Science as a Theme. It is actually supposed to be teaching students to follow written directions. But I think the science is wonderful! It is a little hard for Z because it is for 7th and 8th grade. But I love that she is actually having to think and figure stuff out.

Here is one of the pages.

Which Animals Should Be Saved?

Each year nearly 10,000 species of animals become extinct. It is people who are largely responsible for causing the extinction.

1. Many species are threatened with extinction because people destroy wetlands, tropical rainforests, coral reefs and other natural areas. Label each of these areas. this was easy

2. In the empty box, draw a threatened animals that lives near your home. She went on the internet and researched this and came up with baleen whales (which include blue whales) then she drew a picture of one.

3.Scientists predict that 20 percent of Earth's species will become extinct in the next few decades. If nearly 10,000 become extinct each yaer, how many species is hat over two decades? Write your answer next to the title. She knew what a decade was and she was able to do the multiplication.

4. List some reasons why species face extinction to the right of the poster above. She wrote that they are losing their habitats.

5. Even though humans are the biggest threat to some species, they are also their greatest hope for survival. This is kind of like the saying, "Best friend and worst enemy." Write a sentence relating this phrase to your life under the title. She wrote about acting and how she loves it but it also keeps her from taking her regular classes.

6. Some scientists use triage to decide which of the thousands of endangered species to try to save. Explain this word in relation to threatened animals need to be saved more than others on the back of this page. She looked up the word triage and then wrote "First you should work on the close to extinct animals. Then work on the ones that are a little less endangered. You should keep spreading the help out." - she was able to talk about it more but didn't get to write it all down because we had to go somewhere.

7. List some ways to help you decide which animals need to be saved more than others on the back of this page. - She wrote "Use triage."

8 On the sign above, make an advertisement to save a particular animals. - she made one for a panda

9. Circle the word on this page that means prognosticate. I told her basically what a prognosis is and she found the word "Predict."

10. Wildlife conservationists realize that it takes the help of all people to preserve the life forms on Earth and to prevent species from becoming extinct. Write on the back of this page some things you could do to help protect the animals of Earth. She wrote "Use less paper. Recycle wood from old houses to make new houses. Eat less meat."

1 comment:

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

This sounds like a good book. Ami gets activity pages like this in class so you chose well! I have learned some things I need to do next year and this kind of activity is one of them. I like Z's word; by coincidence I made a reference to Ami's word of the day.