Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Really goood homeschooling day

Wow! We had a really good homeschooling day today.

Right after breakfast Z sent an email to her friend Kaytlin.

Then she did one page in her Grammar book. Z is pretty advanced in her writing just by having read so much. But I wanted to make sure we are covering certain topics that might not come up in normal life. So I found this book by the people who make Daily Grams. Z alrady knew most of the 2nd grade and some of the 3rd grade stuff. This book does cover some topics that she hasn't figured out naturally though.

Then she did two pages of multiplication problems in her Math book. This book has a lot of review too but it is still pretty cool. I am hoping she'll be into her 3rd grade book by September. (although I don't know why I still hold on to regular school year thoughts.)

Next she practiced some in her new piano books, a sight reading book, and for some reason, the second to the last song of a different book. I am now wondering why I paid for the whole book when she is only going to playing one or two songs out of it... hmmm, I need to ask her teacher about that.

After piano Z and I took turns reading to each other from her My Naughty Little Sister books. I love those books, they are very British, clever, cute and old-fashioned. I am glad Z is still into them. Also it gives us a chance to practice our British accents.

We did all that in about two and a half hours. I let her play in her room for awhile before lunch.

After lunch I had to take Z to the court house to ask for an extension on my traffic school (bad Cher!) and while we were waiting for the courtroom to open up Z wanted to practice her cursive writing. The lady sitting next to us ask how old Z was she Z said 5. The lady, she used to be a teacher, said that cursive is usually introduced at the end of 2nd grade and taught in 3rd grade.

So I guess Z's lowest skills - handwriting, math and grammar rules Z is straight across the board late second to early third grade. I am happy with that. This is why we need to homeschool. I don't know many schools that are willing to do a 3 year skip for a five year old.

Why we want to homeschool is because we can get 6 or 7 subjects studied in a day and still have time for Z to put on a play about fairies, do a little shopping, watch an episode of Buffy, eat lunch with her Pere, and have a "field trip" to the local courthouse. :)

When we got home we did some yoga and then Z practiced voice, but not for too long because she has a cough.

Then there was some more piano with Pere helping. She did much better today. She has a lot to work on though.

She has eight songs her repertoire that she has to play 1 - 3 times.
Then some finger technique to work on (triplets).
And fixing some technique in her old song l
As well as working in her music theory book
Plus the new sight reading book (which she is supposed to analyze)
And a new song in the other new book which she did in the morning

It is a lot already which is why we have to split it up into two or three sessions a day.

I would love to hear about what other kid's practices are like.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Well Ami prefers to do the majority of her practice on her own except for her new pieces, which she asks for input near the end of practice. She starts out by doing her own "composing". Sometimes she wants to do a concert for us or have one us tape. For the most part she prefers I sit and listen. Today, she had her Alice in Wonderland doll “watch” and I animated her between pieces or during. When she completed the piece Ami conversed with her as if she were in Wonderland for afternoon tea. She practices with toys about once a week usually fairies.

She usually plays the piano first thing in the morning. She does her theory at another time.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.