Wednesday, July 12, 2006

making older friends

So twice now when I it was time to leave summer camp Z was on the playground performing in a "circus" for some of the older camp counselor boys.

I know she has connected with some of the girls in her class. But I think she also likes a "captive" adult audience for her shows.

Z really wants to be able to do her own thing. She has always been okay just walking away from the group. It seems a little strange to me (even though I have been there and done that) and I am always waiting for her to get hip to the peer pressure.

Speaking of the circus I really need to take Z to see Cirque Du Soleil. She was really influenced by the high flyer act we saw at the Getty. She still tries balancing on everything and tries to look oh so beautiful and graceful while doing it. *wink*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cirque du Soleil is magical! I'll bet Z would love it.