Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The 4th of July

Remember that giant ostrich egg? Hee hee. I was saying that we should have hard-boiled it and made a giant devilled egg. *grin*

We always do 4th of July at the Channel Islands house. Grandmere, Grandpere, and Tante were there. Also some other family friends and our new friends who have a PG (I think, she has not been tested) 6 year old daughter C.

C loves animals, she wants to be a trainer at Sea World when she grows up. Yesterday she used "piniped" in a sentence.

C and Z played so nicely together. They did some crafts, drew pictures, played cards and made up some dances.

We all went out on the boat and we went to a carnival and we had a great bbq.

Does this look like a girl who in 5 hours is going to develop a fever and fall asleep during the fireworks?

Well it is. Poor lil' thing.

1 comment:

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That is neat that you all like to try new foods.

I hope Z feels well soon.