Wednesday, July 19, 2006

drama girl

Z is practicing her lines (and everyone elses) for her rehearsal tomorrow for the Shakespeare performace coming up.

We got the lines at the beginning of the month and she read over the script the first couple of days but then we put it away. I figured I would bring it out again before rehearsals - but I did mean to do it before the day _just_ before the rehearsal. She only has like five lines in this one though so I think she will be fine.

She has been acting out the whole play, playing all the characters, this afternoon. I love her cute British accent!

I am glad that she took the initiative to do this. I just to her to go in her room and practice about an hour ago. I didn't expect her to not only do all the parts but add choreography and background music as well!

Z is getting a lot better about being in charge of her own learning. It is so nice to see. Yesterday when she was practicing piano she asked "How many times should I play this piece?" and I asked her how many times she thought she should. She came up with an amount that seemed reasonable to me. We have been doing the same thing with her voice practice. I must say that it is very helpful to me for Z to set her own goals (with the input of her teachers) and follow through with them.

Oh! Z wanted to act out the play for me know, so I've got to go. :)

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