Monday, June 19, 2006

spelling at Legoland

So after camping we drove down to Legoland for Father's Day. We got there early and had to wait in line for the gates to open. We started chatting with the gate keeper and Z said to her "What to hear me spell Mississippi?"

Behind us in line there was a boy, about 8 or 9 I would think. He heard Z spelling and wanted to give her some more words to spell. It would have been sweet if the boy wasn't really obnoxious. He would give her a "really hard" (in his words) word and then while she was thinking it out he would start talking over her. He even said "No sounding out, just spell it!"

He had her spell RAILROAD, TRAIN, and some other words like that and Z got them all right. He started getting upset about it. Z's Tante was with us and got annoyed with the boy and asked if he could spell those words. Then Z asked him to spell Encyclopedia. He couldn't so he got mad and tried to ask Z harder words but she could still spell them. Then he actually yelled at her to spell them faster.

Z looked up at me and said "Mom, do I have to keep doing this?" I was like "No way!"

I don't understand why the mom of this kid thought it was okay for her son to act like that.

Later we saw him in line at another ride and he came over and said "You spell good."


Other than impromptu spelling bee's and her own reading Z never works on spelling during homeschooling. But she is doing pretty well. She is still really proud of the whole Mississippi thing. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah -- where was that kid's mom, indeed. Poor Z. Good for her for figuring out that she didn't need to keep playing this game.

BTW, at one of the first homeschool groups we went to there was an extended discussion of spelling curricula, which I was happy to sit through silently. Finally, when asked point-blank I joked that our spelling work consisted of asking spelling words during long car drives to pass the time. What can I say, the kid can spell most anything, so why take up precious time on it?!