Friday, June 30, 2006

Great Movie

Okay we saw Superman Returns and it was really great (much defying of the laws of physics aside.) Go see it!

After the movie we went to P.F. Changs, while we were waiting for our meals Z entertained us with made up knock-knock jokes. It is really funny because they are so not funny. Example:

"Knock Knock"

"who's there?"


'Lettuce who?"

"Lettuce chicken wrap."

*rolling eyes*

It was a fun dinner though. I think we were all on a post Superman high.

While we were waiting for our check a couple approached our table and said "We just wanted to say that we have been watching your daughter and she has been behaving so well! We have a four year old and a six year old and we can never bring them places likes. So, we just wanted to say that your daughter is just amazing."

I was all thankful of course and Z introduced herself to them.

We have been taking Z to restaurants since the day after she came home from the hospital (a bagel shop for breakfast). She has gone out to dinner at real restaurants at least once a week since then.

One thing that I think is funny is that Z has been to High Tea or Afternoon Tea more times than I have. I went to my first High Tea in D.C. when I was pregnant. Z went with me, Tante and Grandmere to the Regent Beverly Wilshire and other very fancy hotels to eat tiny sandwiches and scones several times as a toddler since then Grandmere has taken her out to tea with Tante often when I left her in their care.

Tante plans to someday open a tea house but until then she hosts a tea party at her home every summer. It should be coming up soon. She makes the most delicious scones and homemade butter and jam. *yum*

Anyway, what was I saying? (scones... yum)

Right. So Z has just been trained from birth to go to restaurants and be cool. It helps when we go to places with fun kids menus. Also we talk to her, well, since she has been able to talk.

But I still have to tell her not to use her chopsticks to drum on the table. Oh yeah, I _always_ have to remind her that she is not allowed to sing in restaurants unless she is being paid to. Tonight I had to tell her three times "No singing opera in P.F. Changs."

Tomorrow we are having a big fun special day. I'll take pictures and post them tomorrow night.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I am glad to see that the Superman Movie is more than good. We still need to see Cars.

I think it must be upbringing in regards to why some children are good in restaurants and others are not. Since my child is an only she gets lots of these experiences.

It makes a parent feel proud to hear such wonderful observations. Congratulations to you and Zoe!

Elf Owl

Anonymous said...

We're lucky too -- my girls are good in restaurants. In fact, the better the restaurant, the better they behave. Maybe people should start taking their kids to better restaurants to practice!
We were just visiting family who kept going out of their way to steer us toward kid-friendly restaurants -- basically places with kids menus and mac and cheese. I kept saying -- please! the kids are fine, take us somewhere *interesting*! (Hence the ribfest.)
Z. must have been tickled -- it's so nice when kids hear praise from non-parents.