Thursday, June 08, 2006

Princess party

How to be a Princess in Seven Days.

Z read this book last weekend and all week she has been working to being a princess.

Day one she cleaned up her room
Day two she made a Princess themed "IN" and "OUT" door hanger for her room
Day three we invited people to her Princess Themed party
Day four she didn't need to make a jewelry box because she already has one - so she just organized hers.
Day five she organized her outfits
Today, day six, we had the Princess Party

We played the party games from the book - Kiss the Frog, Cinderella Says, Hunt for the Poison Apple, and Ditch the Witch. I also bought them foam crowns and foam jewels and they decorated them.

After wards the kids ate sweets and then some of them performed - either on the piano or singing.

Then they played the worlds longest game of Candy Land - there were seven kids playing! And then several (hundred?) games of Hide and Seek.

Z redeveloped the crush she had on a little boy from our old old neighborhood. (We had Princesses and Princes at her party) He is a handsome, sweet, intelligent boy, so I can see why. He and his little sister were some of the last to leave and Z was telling him "I love you!" a lot as he drove away. Then on the walk back she said "I think I have a crush on K." *hee hee*

Tomorrow is Day 7. The books says she is supposed to pamper herself with a bubble bath.


Anonymous said...

Wow what great fun!

Elf Owl

Cher Mere said...

Hi Elf Owl

It was cool but I was so tired out and even had a headache afterwards - something about 7 screaming and giggling kids...