Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Cool Discovery

I just found out that my public library has audiobooks online that I can listen to for free. They have almost two hundred kids book, included Grimm, Andersen, Sutcliff, Dahl, and Snickett. They even have a kids French Language learning audiobook!

I am so going to use this.

Also I signed Z up for a two week summer program for gifted students. She will be taking two classes in the morrning with other gifted kids. I think they are probably mostly MG (moderately gifted.) On their website they stated that children cannot enroll in classes above their grade level but the Kindergarten stuff looked like it was for pre-readers. So I wrote to the them asn explained our situations and played the "Davidson card" and they let her into the 1st and 2nd grade combo classes.

They have three summer sessions but I am only going to enroll her in the first one because it might not be a good fit for her. Plus we have a lot of other things we could be doing.

The reason for these sessions, in my opinion, is for Z to get to know other gifted kids in our area and because the classes for older kids sound really cool - they have lots of Harry Potter classes, one for each book plus others, and Lemony Snickett classes, and Greek Myths classses and muscial theatre, etc.

They said based on getting to know Z that next year she could go into the 3rd - 5th grade classes, which is when all those classes are available.

We have a lot of other things lined up for the summer. Monday is Japanese and Ice Skating, they are both kind of far from my house but in the same area so I want to do them on the same day so I don't have to drive so much. Tuesday is Piano and play dates, Wednesday is getting together with the gifted kids playgroup, Thursdays are also for playdates, and Friday are Beach Days with our homeschooling group.

I figure we will do a lot less homeschooling over the summer. I will pare it down to piano, Japanese, math and writing.

For writing Z is going to start keeping a diary/journal. I asked her last night if she would write in it daily if I bought her one and she was excited about the prospect. She said that she needs one anyway to write down the story ideas that she is always coming up with.

Today she is back at the piano again playing it during all her free time. Well, right now she is actually playing a "one woman band, with a harmonica, tambourine and two drums.

Another funny thing - Z was playing with her doll house and she called the mirror a "looking glass." hee hee

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