Thursday, June 15, 2006

the Blue Screen

Today Z went to a birthday pool party of a boy in our homeschool group. They had a beautiful house with a pool.

Another cool thing they did was invite a company over who filmed the kids singing to a song from High School the Musical and dancing a variety of ways.

The kids danced, did poses, walked in a line, dived into a pool in a line, held hands and twirled around, etc. The company took a lot of footage and then in a couple weeks we will all get a copy of the DVD.

These are some of my favorite poses of Z hamming it up posing and dancing in front of the blue screen.

On another note the babysitter of the boy who's party it was was there with her 2 year old daughter. Apparently the little girl was very verbal, though I never heard her speak myself.

One of the mom's commented on the girl's precocity in front of me and another said "yeah, there is always one kid like that, but they all even out by the time they are 8 or 9."

I really dislike that comment. Sure, some precocious kids do even it. And maybe this little girl isn't gifted, I really have no idea. But gifted child does not "even out". They may hide or underachieve but they are still gifted. They can no more become "normal" than a child with an I.Q. of 30 or 40 will "even out" by 8 or 9.

sorry for the rant. In person I just fixed on a vague smile and stared off into the distance.

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