Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday in Paris

The first thing we did was visit the catacombs First we walked for about a mile in a semi dark partly wet tunnel, before we came to a sign that read ARRETE C’EST ICI L”EMPIRE DE LA MORT (Stop! Here is the Empire of the Dead).

It was very interesting and so hard to imagine the huge amount of people that belonged to all those skulls and bones. Z, who can be a morbid child, loved it and asked if she could stay down there. She wanted to know if she could live in the catacombs “part time”, she would like to spend one day in the catacombs and one at the Eiffel tower and so on. Grin
I had a little issue with my claustrophobia in the tunnels but once we got to the Ossuary I forgot about all that. I got a few cool pictures.

On the way out Z started talking about maybe being a coroner/forensic detective. She is going to think about that, she has always wanted to be a General Practitioner M.D. but the idea of figuring out why people died was very intriguing to her

Then we went to the Rodin museum. I love sculpture but Rodin is not my favorite. Some pieces really struck me though.

After Rodin we walked across the street to Napoleon's Tomb. I was again awestruck to be there. I mean, c’mon! Napoleon! Surrounding his tomb were numerous Bas Relief’s of Napoleon’s successes. My camera's battery had died though so I don't have any pictures.

In the evening we went down to the Seine and has dinner across from the river with a view of the Eiffel Tower.

Then we went on a river boat ride down the Seine, that was very nice.

Z took this picture of Pere and me.

This is a picture of a river barge. Pere and I have fantasized about living on one for years now.

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