Saturday, September 30, 2006

moving fin

Thank God! We are finally done moving!

We started this morning at 8:00, took a half hour for lunch and worked constantly moving things over till 5:30. The crazy thing is that we were only moving ONE ROOM! Just the library took nine hours!

We brought over 57 boxes of books. 2 filing cabinets, 6 boxes of old papers (stuff for taxes for the last six years), Six 7 x 4 bookcases and so much more.

Until yesterday I actually had everything put away nicely and the house looked like a normal house except with an empty room. Yesterday I brought over all the stuff we were storing in our master bedroom closet. But still I had it in nice stacks in the bedroom.

Right now it looks like another family moved in on top of all our stuff. Boxes are just piled up everywhere!!

But I am here now. There is no more going back and forth. *whew*

I tell you I am going to get rid of so much of this stuff!

Wait - we didn't just move the library - we also cleaned out the porch and found a BIG black widow out there. I am already pretty scared of spiders and there were hundred of them out there. But the black widow with the egg sac on my porch... ewww.

Pere and I werent sure what to do about the Widow, she was big and in an inconvenient place for killing. But when Pere was taking some trash out I got some windex and sprayed it until it ran down trying to get away from me. Then I sprayed it a lot more and then I put a piece of cardboard on my shoe and stepped on it. *shiver*

I felt kind of bad for killing it and smushing it's babies but I was worried about the cleaning and maintenace guys going out there and maybe getting bit so she had to go.

Another thing, yesterday we got another praying mantis, a much bigger one. It was so big it was kind of creepy. I put in it in pickle jar since the smaller one we caught earlier was in our regular bug jar. I had caught a spider and put it in with him. Then we brought it home and I put the top of the jar on. I totally forgot about the poor guy and when I was getting ready for bed I saw him lying on his back in the jar looking about dead! I quickly opened the lid and he started coming back around. But it was bed time and the other bug cage was still at the old apartment out on the porch. So I stuck him in with the smaller mantis. I felt a little bad because I thought it would probably kill the smaller one.

Later I went into the kitchen and I saw that the smaller one had gotten himself onto the back of the larger one. Pere and I wondered if they were mating. Apparently not. This morning the big one was lying dead on the bottom of the cage and the little one was still standing!

Did you know that matids eat vertebrae?


So now I am home and it looking like I have several days of hard work, putting things away, ahead of me. But I am looking forward to it.

This place already feels like home.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

We raised Mantis last spring and it was sickest project we did. It made me nauseous.

You wouldn't want Z to get bit by a black widow because it can make small children sick.

I hope you feel settled soon in your new home.

Cher Mere said...

Hey Mamita

What happened with your Mantis project? They eat each other right?


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Yes. We had them in their net enclosure. We had 2 of the egg sacs which look like walnuts. One had come out and the other had nymphs. It looked like we got about 100 little mantis. We gave them some raw meet and wet cotton balls for water. We decided to give the other egg sac another day. We came out in the morning and they had killed or half eaten most of each other. There were under 20 left.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

We gave them raw "meat" ground turkey. They are canibals.

Forte said...

Congrats on your new apartment! May you have a fun and happy time there!