Friday, September 08, 2006

Thursday in Paris

Z with the Gendarmes

Z is such an interesting five year old.

Yesterday we went back to the Louvre and went to the Egyptian wing. Z wanted to look at every single artifact there - like pausing for a moment at every single thing. I told her that we would be there forever if we did that, so I made her skip some things but she argued with me.

Z with ancient Egyptian hard (for Kaytlin)

The first time we went to the Louvre she saw nothing she liked better than the Mona Lisa. This time she like the body of an Egyptian, mummified, where you could see the individualized fingers wrapped and the head.

Then we took her to the D'Orsay Musee and she got to see originals from Renoir, Seurat, Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, etc but her favorite, that she literally stared at for around ten minutes, was William Degouve de Nuncques's "Nocturne au Parc royal de Bruxelles" in pastels. I found I love pastels.

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