Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This morning we are listening to our cd of French children's song (thank you Marianne!)

The song La legende de Saint-Nicolas is a kind of sad sounding song and it made me start to miss France.

I really loved it there. I wasn't sure that I would. Actually until just now I didn't realize how strongly I felt about it.

Paris was an amazing city and I think I would live there in a heartbeat. I am not saying I would want to be a French citizen. But I would like to live in France for a year or so - yes, experience an entire year there... all the seasons and all the holidays.

I think I am a city girl at heart. I love the shops and restaurants and the people going to and fro. Paris, at least in the late summer, is a very outdoor city. People are walking everywhere and out of their homes eating, shopping, and drinking cafe.

Paris also has a great public transportation system. It was so relaxing to know you could just take the Metro everywhere in the city or a train out of the city to Nice or Cannes.

Paris also had so much history! I walked around half the time in a state of awe, (think Dabrowski's overexcitabilities) thinking about all the things that happened on the streets where I walked. It gave me such a special feeling to be walking in the footsteps of history.

Also in Paris caring about how you look (i.e. having a fashion sense) is not at odds with being an intellectual. *laugh*

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