Sunday, September 10, 2006

adults skills

I have been thinking a lot about homeschooling since the plane ride to France. Yesterday on the train I got a lot of time to think and write.

I know you had heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind." You may have even thought about how that applies to homeschooling. I wouold love to hear on your blog your thoughts on that.

I came up with some skills I would like Z to have as an adult

Numeracy (high level) - I think far too many people are afraid of numbers and math and that fear can hold them back and even do some damage to their lives.

Literacy (highest level) - while I don't feel like Z has to go to the higest level's in math I do want her to be able to read and understand pretty much any (non-technical) book that she picks up. Maybe I feel that way because this is my strength. I have never seen a book that I couldn't understand and I know that some books that some people feel are "too hard" have changed my life for the better. I want Z to join the "Great Conversations of Mankind" and to really comprehend what she is reading.

Memorization I think it is worthwhile to have some facts, some poems, some famous lines from prose memorized.

Critical Reading/Listening - We wouldn't want Z to believe everything she reads or sees on t.v. do we?

Logical Reasoning - unreasonableness is something of a peeve of mine

Manners - No adults should be without them

Current Events - I think it is important to have at least a passing knowledge of what is going on with the world

Problem Solving - too many people don't even try, but call someone else in to help them when they have a problem. I want Z to develop a personal history of problem solving so she has the confidence to work on something herself first. No damsel's in distress here.

Technology - I think it is good to stay current on new technologies

Public Speaking - Z is really not going to have a problem with this. I can barely stop her. *grin* What I mean by public speaking is being able to order, in your mind, what you mean to say and then be able to say it.

Comfort and confidence in nature - I don't want Z to become an adult who can't sleep in a tent or go on a hike or see an insect.

Physical health - I hope to help Z find something physical that she can continue to do as an adult, or at least for her to understand how important it is for your mental and physical health to continue to move as an adult.

Tzedakah - This is the Jewish word for charity. Last night we had dinner al fresco on the square and a old homeless lady was approaching the diners with a cup and asking for money. We said no because we didn't have any change on us, only big bills. Z noticed that no one else around was giving her money and she said " Everyone is saying "no", shouldn't we be saying yes?" I agreed and I told her that when we got home to help us remember to take some change out with us. There are many ways we have taught Z about tzedakah but I was glad last night that she was reminding us to be helpful too.

Political process - I want her to understand the political process of whatever country she is living in and why it is the way it is. I also would like her to find out for herself what she agrees and disagrees with.

Economics - For macroeconomics this is tied to the above political process. You really can't understand one without the other.

Personal Finance (responsibility) - again this is a big one. I do not think it is coincidence that schools don't teach macro or micro economics. Z doesn't really make any money yet and Pere and I have not always been the greatest role-models of thrift but we are not terrible either. But I am certainly not going to send her out to the world by herself without having first educated her this one.

foreign language and musical instrument - these are not skills that I think all adults need to have but Pere and I decided when Z was a baby that she should know at least one foreign language plus piano (with other instruments added if she wants.)

I also came up with some personal traits that I should teach "with the end in mind."

Sense of Humor
Intrinsic Motivation

So with those skills in mind I see that I could be homeschooling her very differently. Currently I am reflecting on how I might change things. Also I think I might add (and subtract?) from this list as time goes on.


Jason Jones said...

I was in the process of such a list for my son also.

One skill I have found very helpful is the ability to self educate. Seems silly but I've met many people - even sucessful people - who lack this ability.

It goes a long way.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I have some ideas. I will take me so time to write them out.