Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Homeschooling Group Park Day Experience

Today was our first day back to our homeschooling group's weekly park day. Next week Shakespeare and Chess start but this week the kids just got together an played the whole time.

We were there from 4 1/2 hours! And even then Z was about to cry when I said we had to go home because she was having so much fun playing with her girl friends.

Our group merged with another group this year, so instead of 20 or so kids there are about 50 or 60. And instead of Z being the youngest and her girl friends being 7 - 10 there are now five other girls her age! But she still ended up playing with some her old friends and only one new girl, a six year old, joined their fun. It ends up that for about three hours the girls were acting out a game of Kingdom Hearts... weird. Now Z wants me to rent the game for her to play. :)

Next week there is going to be a "Girl's Club" so I hope Z will get to meet the other girls and make more friends.

I got to talk to a lot parents, it was really nice. There was one lady there who I only got to meet twice last year who is homeschooling her two very gifted kids. The older daughter is 14 and just starting college, the 12 yo boy is going too because the mother figured if she had to drive her older daughter to college and hang out there and wait for her that it would be practical if her son could take classes too. Anyway she is a very interesting woman to talk to. And, as always, it is nice to talk with someone with whom I can be open about the whole gifted thing. It is refreshing to not have to second guess everything I say.

I like talking to her because her kids are older so she has already been there and done that. but I was able to help her too. Her son is quite good looking and is thinking about trying to act and model. So I am going to help him out with that. The daughter is beautiful too but not as interesting in performing arts.

I am excited to get to know them. I remember how taken Z was with them last time we met them. Z thought they were so cool and she rarely says that about kids. That was when they had made up some game about being Parliment and trying cases and the other kids were lawyers and criminal and innocent people (these are the kind of games homeschool kids play:P) complete with British accents.

I also saw some old friends and one of them I told about Z's acting and she was very supportive. She said her husband had seen Z do Shakespeare last year and said she was a natural. I thought that was very nice. :)

Anyway it was very good time but the dynamics of the group have changed now that there are so many more kids. It used to be so small that all the kids played with each other. Today there were so many kids Z hardly even saw some of the older kids that she used to play with because they had a dozen or more kids their own age to play with.

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