Monday, September 18, 2006

Back to School

Today Z and I got back to school. It was great. She was excited to do everything and wanted to do more of every subject.

I knew she was looking forward to doing "new" things so I started her on a new math activity book I have with the theme of "Menu Math." It was pretty easy but fun for her. Then I had her do 16 mixed addition and subtraction problems with carrying and borrowing from her 100 Math Activities workbook.

I took a little break after math to make some phone calls so Z went to Brainpop Jr and did a topic on Allergies.

For Language Arts:
Grammar – Daily Grammar Day 14 and 15
Grammer Skills One - Making singular nouns plural (adding s, ed, or ies)
Cursive workbook – te, je, ti, pu and the words jet, pure and tile

Singing practice 8 songs (she sang on her karaoke machine) :)
Flash card practice – 28 vocabulary words

Then more science on Brainpop, the topic of Babies (reproduction) plus a test

Then we got into more science. Z loves science and this term I decided to work on the Human Body as that is always one of Z's favorite topics.

So we read 8 pages from the First Human Body Encyclopedia , then I made her a 12 question test with fill in the blank and multiple choice questions.

She practiced piano for awhile and then went to her piano lessons, it is on Mondays now. She had a great lesson. She is practicing a few pieces from Kabalevsky for an upcoming recital.

By the time we got home it was pretty late. Before bed I red her an old-fashioned version of Snow White and Rose Red from one of the rare children's books from my collection. Then Z read to me a few pieces of poetry. Then we cuddled for a bit and both ended up falling asleep (we are still dealing with jet lag)

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