Thursday, September 28, 2006

Audition update and more

So far Z has had ten auditions (3 print, 1 voice over, 5 commercial, and 1 for television), two callbacks and one job.

Today we got the call for that second callback. It is for a toy company and they want Z to draw a picture during the commercial. So Z is supposed to draw a picture this weekend and bring it with her on the callback. Her agent told me not to help her. LOL I said something like "That would be weird. I wouldn't try to help her."

I was feeling kind of tired of driving around to auditions - I think the excitement has kind of worn off, but getting the callback today kind of brought it back some for me.

Tonight Z and I found a Praying Mantis and I brought it home and put it in our bug cage (luckily we have a few of those hanging around.) Z asked if it could sleep in her room. *heh*

Also math is going really well. I figured out that the book Z is working on has one page for second grade and one for third for each topic. Z has been doing both pages and doing them very well. I am really excited for her. If and when she goes back to her regular math book she will be much stronger.

Today Z had her first Japanese lesson since we went to France. We have a lot of practicing ahead of us. I can't wait till next week when we can get back to a full schedule of homeschooling. We have been off almost the whole month of September.


Anonymous said...

That's an impressive ratio for auditions, from what I understand. But gosh, 10 auditions since you started? No wonder you are tired! I guess you have to do lots at the beginning until she has a body of work behind her and becomes more known in the industry.

You are a more dedicated mother than I am. People kept hassling me when Rose was little to get her into modelling, because of her unusual colouring (purple with green spots;-)), but I thought all that trudging around to auditions would be too daunting. She did one job and absolutely loved it, but even that one job was a hassle for me, a huge chunk out of the day and very far to travel.

So kudos to you for being so helpful to your dd.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It sounds like it is going very well for Z!