Sunday, June 24, 2007


Yesterday was Z's microbiology class.

Pere went with her on the bus to the university for this class. I said back at the hotel and hung out with some friends.

Pere brought back some pictures and a report.

lab partners

looking at her bacteria sample

some bacteria

looking in the microscpe

a break to play outside

All the kids really liked the classes. I know Z got something out of it because she was drawing bacteria on her napkin over dinner last night. And she and Pere kept telling me how many bacteria were probably on every surface that I touched.

After dinner Z played in the pool with her new friends and then we had to say good-bye.

Before bed lastnight and even this morning Z has asked about her friends so I know they are on her mind. I hope she isn't too sad about leaving them.


C's Learning Treasures said...

That lookes like a really fun class!

C's Learning Treasures said...

Sorry lol,I meant looks.

Garden State Kate said...

How cool.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

So cute!