Monday, June 04, 2007


We got home about 7:30 this evening to find a neighbor trying to catch a one footed duck and her ducking. He wanted to take it to the wildlife rescue place. Long story short a neighbor caught the duck and I caught the duckling and we put them into a box but the mother got away and then to our dismay she flew right away. We waited at the spot with the chirping duckling for about an hour and a half but she didn't come back although we thought we saw her fly over a couple times. We looked around different areas of the neighborhood for her but we couldn't find her.

So about 9:00 we drive just the ducking over to the rescue place. It slept in my hands in the car. It was the sweetest little thing. Z cried on the way home because she wanted to keep it. When she went to bed she prayed to God "If we ever find another duck and duckling please don't let the mommy duck fly away. And if she does let us keep the duckling."

Also Sunday Z built this "cave" in her room out of chairs, blankets, and boxes.

She sat in there reading books with a flashlight


C's Learning Treasures said...

How sweet! O would have been so excited to rescue a duckling!

I like Z's cave,very creative:)

Forte said...

:) :) :) CUTE! Grace loves baby animals as well! Last time we were traveling, we saw a baby chick just learning to fly. He was all alone. I was just going over to get him and take him to the shelter, and a car came a drove over him:( Grace and I were crushed the rest of the day! It's amazing that such a little guy can have such a profound effect!
Hug Z for her sweetness~

Garden State Kate said...

Oh, poor Z, poor baby duck, poor Mama duck. P. loves Z's cave and is off to build her own! I feel like I just cleaned up the last one..;-)

Cher Mere said...

O's mom - The cave thing was pretty cool. I was sitting reading the news and dining table chairs started to disappear into her room and then the big blanket. Then suddently she is asking for a flashlight. :)

Forte - Oh no! I would be crushed!

sarah said...

Ducklings have such a small chance of survival, it really is sad. I hate watching the number of them down at the river decrease week by week until there is only one little ball of yellow fluff left paddling behind its mother.

Don't worry about not having caught the mother. I'm pretty sure that once humans interfere with their babies they abandon them anyway.

Kitty would have loved to have been involved in this rescue!

Cher Mere said...


We talked to the people at the wildlife rescue center first. They did tell us that the duckling would not have a good chance at survival. :(

We also learned from the rescue center that ducks will not abandon their ducklings because a human touches them. It just stresses them out. Since the mom only had one foot and wasn't making her way around too well just hopping and her duckling couldn't fly away and she was hanging about for hours in a parking lot (also home at a few feral cats) they said we should try to rescue it and bring it in.

I heard a duck quaking this morning and it just depressed me. Like Z I kind of wished we could have kept the duckling and kept it safe.

Anonymous said...

Poor Z. It is heartbreaking. They are so vulnerable and small.
We had a similar incident happen last week where a duckling got somewhat separated from it's mother. I'm not sure if it found her. Now I'm doubting it. The funny part was that my crazy neighbor (an 85 year old man who mows his lawn every single day at 1:30pm) came over, rang our bell wildly to have us come out to see the ducklings. Citcat had just gone to the potty. She ran outside without pants. In an effort to shield myself from the embarrassment of her naked bottom half I picked her up and the remains of the poo poo got spread all over my arm. It was pretty gross but fun to share. ;)

Love the fort and the flashlight. The book geek in me is trying to figure out what she is reading.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It looks like she is having so much fun in her cave. Sorry about the baby duckling and her mama. I am sure that was hard for Z.