Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Eye of the Tiger

When I was writing about testing Z (she did like 5 tests that morning...) I didn't think how that might appear.

You are all so nice that you don't really ask me those hard questions, like "How does Z feel about all that testing?" I think that is a valid question.

In our case it is not a problem. Yesterday morning, while we were doing our normal cuddling in the rocking chair, Z asked me if she could do some more tests and was disappointed when I said no.

Yep, she actually likes tests.

Her Japanese tutor thinks it is the funniest thing. She started quizzes this year and she would try to pull off a mock stern voice and say "I am going to quiz you on all this next week." (She is so sweet she can't really do "stern"). And Z would clap and cheer. Now Z gets to have a quiz in Japanese at least once a month. It would be more but I think it takes a lot of work to make the quizzes. Z's two favorite things about Japanese are quizzes and singing.

When we had her I.Q. tested at four she loved it and at the end asked if she could come back the next day. She likes tests, quizzes, competitions, talent shows, etc.

I was going to write a post on Monday called Eye of the Tiger (remember the song from Rocky III?) Because a lady at our homeschool park day, upon me pointing out to her which child was mine, said "Oh her! She's got the Eye of the Tiger."

She went on to tell me that she watched Z going backwards on the monkey bars with a demeanor of total focus. I laughed and said it was such a coincidence that she should use tht term since we planned to watch Rocky III that night.

But anyway, I think the reason that Z likes tests so much is, at least, twofold.

One is that she has never been in trouble for not getting 100% on a test. For me the point of testing is to see what she knows and where she needs help. There is nothing wrong with genuinely not knowing something.

Secondly Z does have the Eye of the Tiger. I am sure there is a little stress involved in testing but she likes that. She has always asked me to set up obstacle courses for her and then to time her and she will try to beat her time. When given two options she almost always chooses the harder one.

Thing is, I am like that too. I like to challenge myself and I think tests are fun instead of scary. So maybe, without really trying, I have conveyed that attitude to Z.


C's Learning Treasures said...

That's cute:)O likes tests too,I think maybe it's the challenge, like you said.

Anonymous said...

I don't think V. (either V!) has the eye of the tiger -- more like the eye of the daydreamer! -- but also enjoyed her IQ testing immensely, as well as the subsequent school testing and the Peabody test we do for homeschool testing requirement (really cheap, don'cha know).
From discussing it with her, she really enjoys the one-on-one and especially around the time of the IQ testing she was so happy to be doing something that seemed reasonably appropriate to her abilities. Those experiences were one big step in our move toward homeschool.

sarah said...

I didn't ask you any tough questions because it seems to obvious to me that one tests one's child to see where they're at and what planning you should do for next term. I'm actually against school exams for many reasons, but tests done here and there without any pressure or need for swotting and no heavy emphasis on the score can be fun.