Sunday, April 30, 2006

Z's favorite books

Z's first favorite books, when she was a toddler were the Maisy books by Lucy Cousins and then the Madeline books by Bemelmens. The first book she memorized was Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.

She has also always loved poetry. Some of her favorites are A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson and especially A.A. Milne's When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six.

The first poem she memorized, when she was two or three, was Halfway Down The Stairs.

For bedtimes stories over the last 3 years we have read her Winnie the Pooh and House at Pooh Corner, Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie, Alice in Wonderland, Charlotte's Web, D' Aulaire's Greek Myths, Hans Christian Andersen Tales, Sadako and the Paper Cranes, Pippi Longstockings, The Secret Garden, The Little Pricesss, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Princess and the Goblin and my favorite Peter Pan. Currently I am reading her Heidi and Pere is reading her the Hobbit.

On her own Z has reread many of the books on the former list as well as The Complete Beatrix Potter, Milly-Molly-Mandy and the My Naughty Little Sister books. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Arabian Nights, Betsy-Tacy, Raggedy Anne, My Father's Dragon, Mr. Poppers Penguins, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, the first three books in the Harry Potter series, American Girl books, dozens of fairy tales and folktales, several Value Tales biographies, and hundreds of beautiful picture books.

I know we have read many other books, perhaps some I should remember, but some are just not our favorites.

I have tried to link the the actual version's we have read. I choose to read unabridged and classically illustrated books. Some of our copies are out of print, so if I couldn't find it on Amazon I linked another one that looked pretty good.


Sucero Family said...

Oh, my! HS loves Maisy! In fact, PS reported that she now "reads" the "npt here" part of "Where's Maisy?" I am glad to hear that Z is another Maisy fan. I can't wait to read chapter books. I am so excited. We read her Winnie-the-pooh in utero. Oh and Paddington Bear (talk about NOT A FAVORITE - I loved it as a child and hated it the last time through. I had to force my preggo self to stay awake). But I can't wait to read Milne to her again. So entertaining. She also loved Goodnight Moon as a baby, but we haven't read it to her in awhile. She really likes Carle's Head to Toe right now. And anything by Byron Barton. But what am I going on about, this is YOUR blog! HA

Cher Mere said...

Hey, I love Maisy too Did you know there was a Maisy Show?

I remember your Paddiington disappointment. Isn't it sad when things we liked end up being lame? *grin*

I figured you would like this post. :)

When HS is older you should read the Naughty Little Sister books to her. They are kind of obscure but I love them. They are very funny very British books.

Sucero Family said...

I will have to read those to her. Oh, I can't wait for the chapter books. Yes, I've heard of the Maisy show (one of my jobs is to collect the VHS/DVD for our dept), but haven't seen it yet.