Monday, April 24, 2006

Z's school schedule

Here at Gray's Academy we homeschool Monday thru Thursday and every other Friday. We do the majority of our homeschooling in the mornings, starting right after breakfast at 8:15 a.m..

First we do math, We just finished up Singapore 1B, instead of buying 2A we are trying Scholastics 100 Math Activities for 2nd grade. Most of this book is review for Z, but she kind of needs it. I have to give this book a big thumbs up! Z really likes it. I can tell it is more fun than Singapore was. I know that Singapore taught things in a deep manner and I am not sure how the Scholastic books will compare in that way. I’ll be able to better compare them when we get to the 3rd grade book and Z is learning new things.

After math we work on our Japanese homework. Once a week Z and I take a private lesson with a Japanese tutor. During the week we practice the homework she gives us. We are studying conversation and the Hiragana writing system. Z has also studied Hebrew, Spanish and some French. Some time I will write a post about why we chose to focus on Japanese now.

After math and Japanese I look and see if I have anything else planned that needs to be done at the table - usually some kind of writing or other workbook work.

After we are done with the “seat work” it is time for Z to do her morning piano practice. Z is supposed to practice 40 minutes a day - we try to split it up 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the evening. I usually have her practice old stuff in the morning and then work on new things in the evening when Pere is home to help out.

At this point (usually about 10:00) we move over to our comfortable couch with a big pile of books. For the next two hours we read science, history, biography, and fiction books.

Currently we are studying arthropods - we've watched Walking with Monsters - Before there were Dinosaurs.

Then we read the sections on arthropods from various library books. Z takes notes from the different books we read which counts as handwriting.

We are also reading the naturalist/fiction book about a hermit crab in a tide pool, Pagoo, by Holling C. Holling. I think we will check out the pet hermit crabs at Petco when we are done (although I don't plan on buying her one.) Last weekend we bought two live lobsters and Z got to check them out before we put them in the pot.

Z's told me that her favorite arthropod is the butterfly and we will get up-close and personal with some at the Butterfly Pavilion soon.

We also use the computer - to print out pictures of arthropods to color, FAQ pages on websites and short movies on Brainpop.

This is an example of how we do informal unit studies on various subjects - we include lots of books, some t.v. and computer time, integrate some art and other subjects, as well as a field trip if possible.

We are also studying ancient history this year, at this point in time we are reading from the old testament for history - basically a history of the Jews. We have already done ancient Greece and Rome. After the Jews we will head over to Asia for India and China.

Some days we work on geography on it's own, using a Children's Atlas. But usually geography is integrated with other studies. For example we would follow the migration of the Monarch Butterflies on the map when studying arthropods.

At some point, usually before lunch, Z spends some time reading sliently. Usually I let her pick her own book for this. But all books are screened by me before they ever come into the house. Z usually reads for 20 - 30 minutes or one chapter. Then she narrates what she has read to me.

I admit we eat lunch in front of the television almost everyday. But we are still eating as a family. On the days we are home at that time Pere walks home from work to have lunch with us. Usually we watch Iron Chef or Iron Chef America. We all love this show. Sometimes we watch educational DVD's instead.

After lunch we usually leave the house for lessons (piano, Japanese, Shakespeare, gymnastics), for play dates, or to the library or shopping. In the late afternoon I insist that Z have some "alone" time, mainly because I _need_ some alone time. :) Usually she plays dress up in her room or reads or colors, something where she doesn't have to interact with me.

Z's days are very full but she likes it that way. She is a very high energy and high stimulation kid. I work hard to find the right resources and present her lessons in an enjoyable way. So far I have succeeded. I have learned to be flexible and to pay attention to her cues.

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