Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Poor baby's hands

So it is getting hot here. This afternoon the monkey bars that Z was swinging on at the playground were so hot some skin on her hand stuck to it and ripped it off when she let go. :( It looks awful. I can't imagine it was that hot but I can't think of how else she could have lost that skin.

This morning we did Home Etc - which was cleaning out my closet. Tomorrow we will do Z's. We have to go through Z's clothes often because she grows so fast. That "class" took most of the morning. Then Z read silently for awhile.

Before lunch we had time to try out a new board game that we bought at the Science museum this weekend Cogno It was pretty cool but hard.

After lunch we went to our homeschooler's park day and Z played with some little friends and hurt her hands. (poor baby) I think the injury really stressed her out because she had a hard time at Japanese. She says she had a good time but she seemed emotionally on edge. She even fell asleep in the car on the way home and she almost never does that anymore.

I thought about letting her skip piano practice but she has a really hard song to practice this week. She is practicing right now and having a really hard time. B (my husband) is trying to help her since I am cooking (and typing) but I can tell he is getting frustrated because she is all over the place. Maybe if I show him her hands he will have more sympathy. Or maybe I should just let her stop.

She was playing a song from Showboat before and after the 4th time she stops and says "I know I only have to play this song one more time but I want to play it two more times because I like it and I want to play it really loud." Then after she plays it the 5th time she turns to me and says "You know, sometimes I wish I had time to just do what I want without people telling me what to do all the time."

!!! Wha???

I was like "okaaaaaay"

She seemed like she was about to cry. I said "You just said you wanted to play the songs again! Who is telling you what to do?" Trust me I wanted to validate her feelings and I did get to that.

But first I had to say "Today while I cleaned out my closet, you did help some, but you also ice-skated in the kitchen floor and dressed up like daddy and read books in your room and then chose a game that I played with you and went to the park. So while I understand the feeling the reality is that you didn't get told what to do all day today."

Then I told her that most people feel like she is feeling sometimes, even grown-ups at their jobs.

Well I better get back to my matzah ball soup.

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