Friday, April 21, 2006

Augustus the boy warrior

During her piano practice I made Z this "Roman" toga and headband. She really wanted to dress up and act out being Roman, and since I think Halloween should come more than once a year... well it was an easy no-sew project. :)

"Augustus" traveled around the Empire fighting with Egyptians, Gauls and Greeks who were bullying Romans. Then he to went to Egypt to stop them from bullying the Jews. :) (Remember Passover just ended.)

I got a little geography in by having her find Italy, France, Greece and Egypt on our world map. I told her it would be unlikely that a Roman boy could fight anyone from California. :)

Now it is almost time for Shabbat and I told her we could watch t.v. first so I am off watch Sailormoon. I can't type during it because we watch it subtitled. (When we originally started watching Sailormoon with subtitles only, last summer, it really helped Z's reading speed. At first I translated for her. Then I only translated the long sentences and soon after she could keep up on her own.)


Sucero Family said...

I heard Jim Trelease talk about just this thing at a presentation. He was comparing TV watching and reading. The country with the highest rate of TV viewing also has the highest literacy rate (I am thinking Finland, but don't quote me on this) because they get U.S. shows with subtitles.

Cher Mere said...
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Cher Mere said...

cool! I should look for that study.

Lucky you, that you got to see Jim Trelease.