Thursday, September 06, 2007

Look, and aqueduct

Nine hundred and ninety-nine books on the wall, nine hundred and ninty nine books.,, take one down, stick it in a box, nine hundred and ninety-eight books on the wall.

Guess what I have been doing today?

Also there has been some stress and I pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or somehow otherwise royally frakked up my neck on Monday. Since they I have been doing ice and heat and massage and stretching and now beer. I am really hoping this whole beer things works... I don't have time to be injured.

Pere has officially started working from home. It is really wonderful to have him home again. The arrangement is not ideal at the moment since we are packing so he is set up with his computer right in the thick of things at the dining room table. Z and I are trying not to be too distracting. But in our new house he will have pretty much have the whole basement to himself.

This morning Z was eating her peanut buttered toast and she holds it up for me to look at, "Mommy, look an aqueduct."
And yes, her toast resembled the Roman water conveyer. I had to laugh. It felt like something I should share with Carolyn at Hoagiesgifted for her

Z is also obsessed with time these days. She really needs to wear her watch instead of asking me the time every 3 and a half minutes... But I am not sure that would really be much better because when she is within sight of a clock she gives me constant updates on how much time we have until the next event in our lives, "Only four minutes to lunch", "Seventeen minutes until time to leave for gymnastics", "Only eight minutes until daddy is done."

To end on another Z quote, today I heard her say "He looks a fool", which is a very old-fashioned way of saying "He looks foolish," which in itself is an old-fashioned way of saying something much more crude. ;)


sarah said...

Living with Z must be so much fun. It's certainly fun to read about!

I hope you feel better soon.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Very Cute!

I hope your back and neck feel better soon.

Shari said...

lol, that is cute about the aquaduct. I think you should share it with Carolyn! :) Her collection is quite fun.

I hope your back feels better, and the packing goes smoothly.

Garden State Kate said...

I'm going to have a beer for you, more medicating...faster healing..right? ;-)
((hugs)) I've been moving books around today, and even without injury..I feel your pain.

C's Learning Treasures said...

I hope you feel better, that sounds miserable?

I agree with Patience, I imagine there's never a dull moment with Z;-)

Jaime said...

K does the clock thing, too. How funny! And sometimes obnoxious!

Hope you feel better. I broke my toe when we were moving. It made things harder, for sure.