Sunday, September 09, 2007

a house is a place to hold your stuff

I spent five hours packing Z's room today, and I am not even done yet (!!!).

I had to work on it by myself because I wanted to throw a lot of stuff away and Z would never let me. She is very attached to her junk, I mean... her priceless items.

Honestly, she feels a very strong attachment to everything she has ever made, every piece of paper she has ever written on, any toy anyone once gave her that she played with one time before forgetting about it, and most items of clothing she has ever worn including handme down boy's pajamas that are at least four inches too short for her.

But it is not fair to only make fun of Z.

Pere and I have a ridiculous amount of kitchen items for a tiny 8x8 kitchen. I was packing them tonight and I couldn't help but think "What the hell are we doing with all this stuff??"

We have all the normal stuff like

The Kitchen Aid

Food Processor


The Crock Pot

Rice Cooker

The Electric Mixer

We got the fancy stuff

The Good Silver

The Crystal

The Cake Set

The helpful stuff

Lots of twine

The Hand Blender

Mortar and Pestle

The Japanese cooking stuff

Sushi Maker

Special bowl to cool sushi rice


and all uber necessary

Hello Kitty Waffle Machine

Fondue Set

Cake Decorator

Canape Bread Molds

Pasta Maker

Creme Brulee kit

Apple corer, peeler, slicer

and, of course, S'more Maker

And that's not all of it... thank God I am getting a bigger kitchen.


Gwenivere said...

How have I gone all my life without a s'mores maker? I also still have to sneak into C & J's rooms when their not looking to get ride of stuff!

Forte said...

LOL:) I'm glad you're getting a bigger kitchen too;) But seriously, I think the "Hello Kitty" waffle maker is essential.

C's Learning Treasures said...

LOL! I enjoyed seeing all of your kitchen items;-)

Before we moved overseas I had to get rid of almost everything, we only took 6 boxes with us. When we returned we back to the US, I had to start from scratch, so we don't have too many of the unnecessary items at this time.

Garden State Kate said...

LOL, we almost picked up the Hello Kitty waffle maker for P this past year, but my sis gave me an unused
one she did not want to pack and haul
herself...your collection looks like ours except for the sushi stuff- we always order in,lol.

Anonymous said...

Tee hee! we've got all that but the kitty waffle maker and the s'mores maker -- but I surely would not give those up if I had them!
Oh, I really feel for you guys making this move -- we moved about 5 years ago to this house, and it was quite an event.

Daphne said...

I can be added to the list of people that have an absorbent amount kitchen stuff that some may see as "useless" - but what would I do without my juicer? Or my popcorn air popper? And I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't even bother to wake up if I didn't have my food processor. :) We went from all that stuff in a kitchen that was about 6x8 to one that is about 13x13 and I must say, it's even better to have good kitchen stuff when you don't have to climb a ladder to get it out or put it away.

Shari said...

That is a lotta stuff. I hope your new kitchen has lots of nooks and crannies for a new collection! lol. ;)

sarah said...

All I can say is a great big embarrassed DITTO.

I proved myself The Worst Mother In The World the other day because I put in the garage (not throw away, you notice) two old boxes Rose hadn't played with for about a year. "But Mummy, I love them!!!!"

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

We have the same mortar and pestle. I miss our apple peeler, we gave that to my husband's grandfather years ago since he had apple trees in the yard. An interesting coincidence because I had planned to look for one online the other day.

saskia said...

wow, and I thought I was the only one with a jillion kitchen items